keskiviikko 13. kesäkuuta 2012

Writing in english...

Today me, my daughters and my Husband went to turku, it's a  near city in Finland. And I was ouh so happy, that I would see some Muslims! :D Sounds pathetic, but we do not have so many muslims in Pori where I live.
So there we went, and I started looking for Muslims, so happy maybe I could greet them with the Magic Greeting and would be so proud to have a smile from some of them. (Of course I am talking about  female Muslims.)
But then I looked and noticed, there are three kind of Muslims here in Finland, that I know of: There are the Somalis who think they are following the religion the right way and every other is following it the wrong way, then there are the Afgans, Iranians and all these who came to Finland from hardships in their own country and are wearing only black, and then lastly there are the modern Muslims, but they are so modern, that they have a bit of western in them already, so they are a bit envious.
So the Somalis don't even look at me, and the second group go by me and look and start to talk really fast something that I don't understand but seems to me like they are saying: "What the hell is that? Did You see, Don't look, You will get sick, she doesn't know, where we come from! We are from the blessed land, and she shouldn't wear colors!" That's how I feel they are talking cos the tone of their voice is so fast and very angry. And the third group just stand there staring at my clothes from head to toe and also start speaking their language together. 
I don't get it, we should be the same. All of us are the same but with different spices. Us Muslims should concentrate more on being nice to each other, in the Holy book of Quran there reads that we should greet each other always with that blessed greeting: Salam Aleikyum! Let all Your own problems vanish and let every one in, we are in the end A Family! Strong and united, protecting, learning and obeing the same religion. But some of us just do it differently. Let every Muslim do their own thing, it doesn't matter if it's perfect for You, what matters is that we all are doing what we think is perfect for us. This would be good place for the sentence from a song "One" from U2 and it goes: We are one, but we're not the same.

Let's make peace Together Sisters! <3 :) I am still waiting for that smile! 

- Eveliina

I added couple pictures of me and Aisha, my daughter. :) She is so sweet wearing my scarf! <3 :) It is so cute how they wanna imitate You. 

This is Aisha playing with mummy. :)

Muslim style!

4 kommenttia:

  1. aijai....
    Jonkinasteista rasismia näyttäis olevan havaittavissa :( Sua kohtaan nimittäin.

    Ehkä ne ajattelee että no eihän valkonen nainen voi olla oikea muslimi, luulee kai että pidät pilkkanaan niitä.


  2. Ehkä on kyse siitä, tai en tiedä. Kun tuntuu että on niin hirveän etäisiä myös keskenään. On aivan selvästi jakauduttu ns. kasteihin. :< Harmi kyllä, koska Islam opettaa, että ollaan kaikki samanlaisia ja tasa-arvoisia keskenämme.

  3. Ihana toi eka kuva & noi sun vaatteet :> !

  4. Tack! :)) Mäkin rakastan tota hametta varsinki, se on semmonen ihanan liehuva. :>
